Monday, October 22, 2012

Pay Attention To Your Dreams!

Just yesterday i had a very powerful dream from the Lord about what our government is planning, i believe God has showed me this dream to protect me so i will not tell the dream as of right now. The dream was a very bad dream, a lot of people lost their lives in this dream do to not listening to me and people who really knows what's going on like me. In the dream i was informing people but only a few  people saw what i seen and followed me.

God has showed me the changes that they are making, he showed me exactly when they are going to do certain things and how they are going to do it. As of now i will not tell this dream cause i know it could end up getting to the wrong people and then they will change the plans appropriately, i'm quite sure if they do change it after i tell the dream God will just update me but i'm going to wait till the Lord tell's me to tell the dream.

Now i don't care what you believe in, if it's one thing i do know... It is to pay attention to your dreams! It toke me a very long time to find this out, i would have a dream then months down the line the exact dream will come to life. I never told anyone about it cause i really couldn't believe it myself and i really did not expect anyone to believe me. But now it has happen so many times that i just don't care if people believe me or not.

I remember a few months ago my wife's cousin was over our house doing my wife's hair, that night i had a dream that she went to jail. It toke about 2 or 3 months for that dream to come to pass, i had told my wife that her cousin was going to jail and she didn't believe me until the day she was "acting up in public" and my wife tried to get her to calm down but she wouldn't and she ended up going to jail. My wife called me and her first words were "you were so right"_____ is in jail!

I told her that God is right and i'm just a messenger! When God gave me the dream i told my wife to be careful with that girl, for a while my wife would't listen to me on a lot of things but she found out quick that God is with me! I have done this so many times with her that now when i tell her something's gonna happen, she don't even dare to argue with it no matter how far gone it is but i only speak what God shows me.

Dreams are very important in everyones life, why? Because this is the main way that God and the Devil can show you things! Not all dreams are from God, not all dreams are from the Devil also, so it is important to know the difference between Satan talking to you and God talking to you. Satan usually will try to deceive you, or may show you something that he knows you desire, God will show you were you headed, he will show you things of truth.

For example: if i had a dream of sleeping with the very sexy lady from next door, that doesn't mean it's gonna happen in the future, that is a temptation from Satan cause him and God only knew that i thought the young lady from next door was attractive, so that sparks an interest for Satan to see if he can get me to go screw up my marriage. Why would God show me having sex with someone else when i'm married and under his law?

So you have to wake up and ask yourself key questions sometimes, if God would have done it, he would give me a dream about having another wife. To understand dreams, you have to understand God and Satan and who is doing what first! God has your back, he just want you to trust him and be pure as much as possible, so he will show you dreams of what you should do with your life in a positive matter and Satan will mainly work on your desires from my experience but every one is different.

I don't really have dreams of other women anymore as God and Satan both know how much i love my wife, i would never cheat on my wife cause i love God to much and he gave me my wife! She is everything i asked for in prayer, plus she is a great wife. Me and my wife have no secrets cause this makes things extremely hard for the devil to come in between our relationship, i tell my wife everything that i'm thinking, even if i think another woman is pretty, she don't mind she knows she is the prettiest!

When you get real with yourself and with God you will be amazed on the things he will show you, some of the dreams i had only could have came from God! I have had problems in my life and God will give me an answer in a dream, i would try what i saw and it always worked. I realized that God has the answers to everything, the only place i'm currently waiting for God to work in my life is financially and he will do that on his own time, until then i will remain on his side with or without any blessings!

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