Thursday, October 18, 2012

Barack Obama Is The Anti Christ!

Ok i know a lot of you will laugh at this post but my job is to give you the truth and that is it, I will explain exactly why and how Barack Obama is the Anti Christ. Now before i start i will like to add that i have did tons of study and i ask God to show me who he is or when he will come but once God revealed the information i'm about to tell you, you will ether be in shock or in denial! It is plain to see and a lot of men of God believe the same thing i do for the same seasons.

Lets first look at his name, "Barack Hussein Obama"if you count the letters in his name, it has 18 letters, now count 6+6+6, if you count it correctly it equals to 18. Now lets look at what The Bible says about the Anti Christ in Revelations 13 Verse 18 "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

Notice that it's telling you to count the number because this is how were gonna find out who is the Anti Christ. We already know we are in the Millennium, we already established a man that has 666 in his name, now let me show you some more unbelievable proof that Obama is the Anti Christ. I know you have heard of Obama care right? Well it's not what you think it is at all, just check out the video... Remember how i told you before that the devil likes to work in the dark right? Watch this video!

This is only one video but there is literally thousands of videos on youtube about this bill and almost everyone is outraged over it but it's coming and i'm gonna tell you why the time is now. Do you remember how i said that Lucifer always like to get back at God? Well i know you herd the thing about the Mayans right? Well it won't be the end of the world, but that date they pick 12/21/12 is probably Jesus Christ birthday. (God showed me that the 25Th is wrong)

And guess when Jesus started his ministry? He started it at 12! So let me tell you what God has given me... Our government wants to start Lucifers reign this year (the end of 2012 on or near Jesus Birthday but i almost bet that Jesus Birthday is on the 21 of December!) just like Christ started at 12, this is the best way to get back at God so that is why the Mayans were giving that date. Remember, the Devil loves to deceive people, and everything about Obama is a lie which is the opposite of Christ!

Now this next video shows the real Obama, God has showed me how Obama really is through dreams before i even started researching him but check out some of the things this guy has done, remember it is important that the Anti Christ be completely false and Obama has been doing it all his life... No wonder he is so good at lying to the public, he already has changed so much since he first came into office but the real Obama will come out after he get's re-elected.

I could go on and on with evidence but i will stop here, it's up to you to believe but the proof is there! You guys will see when he get's re-elected cause that is when it's closer to Jesus birthday. Remember, it's all about getting back at God! It is not about anything else, you will not be able to see it coming cause they work for a deceiver, their job is to deceive and unless you stay close to God and study... You will never see it coming! God Bless you, keep your eyes open.

Another reason i forgot to mention why it will happen this year is because this is a chance of a life time for the Devil, there will be no better opportunity to make God upset so you better believe they are going for it! All we can do is hope and pray that God will come alone and stop this but he won't cause he is allowing this to happen, i will fight to the death of me and pray that the Lord will be by my side when this war pop off so i hope you guys are preparing in every way cause it's coming!

1 comment:

  1. Would you explain through scripture why you think we are currently living in the millennium? Scripture says the devil is paraphrased, locked up for a season that he can deceive the nations no more. He is certainly deceiving people now, wouldn't you agree?
