Monday, November 5, 2012

Abortion Is A Sacrifice To The Devil

For a long time i never thought about what Abortion was until recently God have gave to me what it is and what it is all about. A lot of people don't realize it but having an Abortion is exactly what the Devil want's you to do that is why it is legal, i have 2 wonderful daughters that i love to death and the thought of them not being here do to i don't want them here is extremely selfish and is the complete opposite of what God wants.

Babies are a gift from God and should be cared for like God takes care of you by making sure you wake up, body able to function completely, gives us air to breathe, provides food and much more. But what if God decided that he didn't wanna take care of us no more? What if he felt like were better off dead then continuing to see the creation he made disrespect him and not serve him? It amazes me how merciful God is, the time is coming cause people care more about they bank account then the Lord!  

Can you imagining creating something that turned against you? Me personally, i would be very angry and furious and probably wipe everybody out but that is exactly why i'm glad God is nothing like me. God care about us so much that he made a way for the people who choose him to be with him, the wisdom of God is not able to be understood, he even gave the Devil what he wanted which was his own kingdom.

Abortions is nothing new by a long shot, it goes all the way back to Pharaoh in the land of Egypt where  Pharaoh made every first born by the slaves to be killed. 6,000 years later the same thing is going on in some countries and the people of USA have been mislead to think that abortion is o.k when it's not cause your killing a human. In The Bible it talks about how "thou shalt not kill," it is one of God's Ten Commandments, abortion is killing a human that was once alive and could have been a living baby.

Ask yourself if God would be happy by you having an abortion, but you really don't need to ask... All you have to do is read The Bible and ask yourself if God would want you to do this. The only reason why abortion is legal is to trick people into sin and please the Devil at the same time, the only way you will see the setup is if God open your eyes like he have done to me. Most Christians don't even see this one setup alone in the USA, don't believe what man says... Believe in God and follow his word.

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